YUMA, Az- Starting Wednesday, Yuma McDonald’s restaurants are hosting “hiring day,” where they will be looking to hire several new
It’s a great opportunity for someone that is in need of extra cash right before the holiday season begins. 27 million customers are served every day.
The holidays are right around the corner so you know what that means…time to make some extra cash. So get out your resumes and it’s time to get that job you’ve been waiting for. McDonald’s is hiring around 2,000 employees statewide. You can go to any McDonald’s location to apply from 10a.m.-5p.m. starting Wednesday, November 17th.
McDonald’s Supervisor, Eugene Rico says, “Everybody needs a little extra money so I think that can help. Even with the unemployment rate that it is here in Yuma that’s going to help.”
As of September 2015, Yuma’s unemployment rate is at 23.5%. That’s according to Departmentofnumbers.com and the unemployment rate for El Centro was at 20.5%.
Nearly 90% of McDonald’s 14,000 U.S. restaurants are independently owned and operated by businessmen and women. The new job openings will include both full-time and part-time crew and manager positions.
Rico says make sure you’re prepared if you plan on getting an interview.
Rico adds, “They need to come ready to fill out an application. They should have some ID’s and ready to answer some questions about job related questions.”