CALEXICO, Calif. – Friday afternoon, the ground was broken on the West Land Calexico port of entry expansion project. The Calexico border crossing links the Imperial Valley to the Mexicali Valley.
The port processes 15,000 to 20,000 vehicles and 20,000 pedestrians coming into the U.S. daily.
General Services Administration Anthony Kleppe said, “Mexico is a huge trading partner for the United States for the regions. We hope it’ll be a great addition to the city of Calexico.”
U.S. Representative Juan Vargas said, “Seldom do we get five congressman agreeing on stuff pertaining to the border. Not only are they all in favor but they’re enthusiastic.”
When U.S. Representative Loretta Sanchez’s mother told her about all the people waiting out in the heat, she knew something needed to be done.
“It was a long time coming, I remember being told, you’re on homeland security, you gotta get out here and we gotta move this money,” said Sanchez.
Phase 1 will provide ten new northbound lanes and five new southbound lanes. The current structure was built in 1974 and is undersized due to the existing traffic loads.
The project will cost about $98,000,000 and is scheduled to be completed in 2018.