YUMA, Ariz. – Arizona Public Service (APS) and the Phoenix Suns are teaming up to help schools K-12 state-wide and Yuma County is no exception. $50,000 in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) grant money will be awarded to schools throughout the Grand Canyon State.
“We’ve seen students go out and do ecology projects, we’ve seen elementary students do roller coaster projects to learn about physics. So, it’s a great opportunity for teachers to get that money into their individual classrooms for projects,” said Anna Chaulk, Community Affairs Manager for APS.
Grants awarded can amount to as much as $2,500 according to APS officials. School officials say grants like these always come in handy.
“These grants always come in to support us and to allow us to deepen our educational opportunities for our kids in our community,” said Duane Sheppard, Associate Superintendent Yuma Elementary School District 1.
APS officials say this is a way for them to invest in the community and the future of thousands of kids throughout the state.
“We are growing our future workforce and when those kids come out of school on the other side of that we have a stronger workforce to choose from,” said Chaulk.
Schools interested in a chance at a STEM grant have until October 7th to submit their application.