YUMA, Ariz. – Tuesday, September 30th marks the birthday of priest turned Mexican revolutionary rebel leader, Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon. He is credited for helping Mexico’s independence from Spain in the Mexican War. On this day of his birth Mexican Consulate of Yuma officials visit his stature at the Yuma Heritage Library to present flowers as a sign of respect for his efforts.
“He was one of the people who fought against the Spanish when Mexico was taking independence. He abolished slavery and he fought against the hierarchy of racists and he also wrote the ‘Sentimientos De La Nacion’ which was a literary which later served as an inspiration for the constitution,” said Paulina Nava with the Mexican Consulate of Yuma.
Pavon became leader of the group after the execution of the equally infamous Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla in 1811. Pavon was captured by the Spanish royalist military, tried by the Inquisition, defrocked as a cleric, and executed by civil authorities for treason in 1815.