YUMA, Ariz.- The Arizona House of Representative held a special hearing to discuss issues on the Presidential Preference election. The big heated debate is over Helen Purcell who is in charge of the Maricopa County Recorder office. Voters are says that Purcell did not provide adequate polls, supplies and parking for voters.
Officials for The city of San Luis say that Mayor Gerardo Sanchez experienced problems in the poll booths that not enough supplies were provided. Joselyn Medina a spokesperson for the City of San Luis says, the Mayor released a statement, “This issue would happen during the general election that not all the resources would be available for people to cast their vote.”
There were reports that protesters lined the capitol and demanded a re-vote, but Democratic Representative Charlene Fernandez the cost of another election wouldn’t make sense.
“The cost factor in itself. I just don’t see how they can justify it except that we have had so many disenfranchised voters. It’s really hard for me to say this, but it is going to be cost prohibitive”said, Charlene Fernandez.
Officials for the City of San Luis also agree that to have another election would not be beneficial.
“I don’t think the elections should be done over again. I would suggest that for the general election they would everything in place they would have enough paper, so that the people could cast their votes” said, Charlene Fernandez.
Representative Charlene Fernandez says with a new discussion in the House is to have the counties “foot”the bill for elections. The representative says that could cause problems like what happened in Maricopa County happen in Yuma County.
“For the state to appropriate the money like they have in the past, for the Presidential preference because it would be a hardship. On each county’s dime. I think that would put us at a disadvantage and when I say I mean smaller counties like Yuma” said, Charlene Fernandez.